On Sat, 24 Jan 2004, Marlon Moyer wrote:

> Like Hamid Said, if the ColdFusion server has the query already in memory.
> It doesn't need to send traffic to another server to get the information
> again.  Most systems I've worked on have the db and the web server on
> different areas of a firewall, so you're going through a lot of excess steps
> if you're hitting the db every time for something that won't change.

You missed the point. If you have to connect to a server anyway, whjat's 
the difference between going to a cached queryset on a CF server or going 
to a cached queryset on a db server? It's a wire transaction in any case.
> Plus, you have a granular control on what is being cached.  The sql server
> will only cache what it has room for.  So if enough queries are run against
> it, the original query won't be cached anymore regardless.

And this won;t happen on the CF server when you run out of memory to cache
a transaction? Yeah, right.

Does CF have to query the db server to stay in sync? Of course it does. 
Now there's multiple transactions to coordinate & synchronize.
> But I think the original question was about a tree that took a long time to
> create, and application variables would be a plus in this situation.....

That remains to be seen. Getting the data in an optimal way can be a 
non-trivial operation.
"Half the people know what they're talking about, and the 
other half are writing code."

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