Hello Alex,

Monday, February 16, 2004, 3:35:32 PM, you wrote:

AH> I was just wondering what different IDEs everyone is using and why.  I am
AH> asking to see if there are advantages in working in one over the other,
AH> other than personal preference of course.

Zend IDE 3.0.2

The biggest benefits for me:

Code Profiler - find out which parts of your code are running slowly.
Debugger - find out why.

Both accessible from the IE toolbar plugin (browse to the page/form
you want to profile and hit the button).

Very nice editor. Powerful search/replace (although no better than
Homesites which is what DW uses IIRC). Syntax checker, good Project
and CVS support, auto-complete and the very very useful function
in-sight feature which will give you pop-up suggestions to finish off
your function - i.e. type in "str" and as well as showing you stuff
like striptags or str_replace it'll also should you any functions you
have that start with "str" (stream_file for example). This is very
neat in big projects with loads of functions. Works across classes

It's quite expensive, but the code profiler has paid for itself
several times over already and hey - it's by Zend, so you're kinda
supporting PHPs future too in a way.

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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