On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 16:49 +0200, daro wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm writing a TCP/IP server and client.
> On your website I found ready php script http://pl2.php.net/sockets but I 
> have a question.
> For TCP/IP server the example script from your website has to be put on 
> server as index.php file and the access to it could be f.e. 
> ?
>  I don't know where should I put this script to be able to receive all datas 
> and respond with proper strings.
>  Your sincerely
> Dariusz Chorążewicz
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Rozwiązania sms www.statsms.net, www.smscenter.pl
> GG: 346444
> Tel: 696 061 543

You have to run your script from the command-line. Don't depend on
apache to have it running.

Also remember to set_time_limit(0) ;)

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