On Tue, 2005-07-12 at 09:58 -0500, Greg Donald wrote:
> On 7/12/05, daro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I don't know where should I put this script to be able to receive all 
> > datas and respond
> > with proper strings.
> You would run the script as a shell script from the command line.
> On windows you can just save the code as a regular php script then
> start it up from a DOS prompt like:
> c:\PHP\php.exe -f yoursocketfile.php
> or if you are using a *nix setup run it just as it is, making sure the
> first line points to your php binary, for example mine is
> /usr/bin/php.  Chmod it so it's executable.
> -- 
> Greg Donald
> Zend Certified Engineer
> MySQL Core Certification
> http://destiney.com/

More specificlly,

// your script here

And then
$ chmod +x socket.php
$ ./socket.php &


$ /usr/bin/php -q socket.php &

If your on *NIX, remember the last & to put the process on the
background. Not sure how one would go on windows tho :(

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