On Wed, February 1, 2006 3:06 pm, John Nichel wrote:
> I also don't _have_ to declare variables, don't _have_ to call
> mysql_close, etc, but that doesn't make it a good practice.  The above
> 'standard' is pretty and all, but how many browsers out there are 100%
> standards compliant?  Quoting will make sure you get the results
> you're
> expecting.

Actually, I'm pretty certain that all browsers are compliant in this
one regard.

I think it's pretty sloppy to take out the quotes as well.

Though my boss seems to think that the extra K saved by having no
quotes when they aren't needed are worth it, and post-processes my
HTML to remove them.

But then, he also doesn't think I should use & in the URLs that
are being sent to the browser, so what can I say? :-v

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