Can you be more specific. I only see 4 parameters and none of them apply.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: October 31, 2006 9:13 PM
To: Beauford
Subject: Re: [PHP] php.ini & ini_set

Beauford wrote:
> I am working on a website for a friend that is being hosted by a third 
> party (which uses Linux) and I don't have access to the php.ini or any 
> other system files.
> The problem I am having is this. When an email is sent from the 
> website and the user receives it, it says it is from 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] instead of the websites email address. How can I 
> get it to say it is coming from the website address. I do have access 
> to a cgi bin, and maybe .htaccess if something can be done with these. 
> I thought though that I could use ini_set to do this.

Check the 5th parameter usage and associated comments.

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