On 10/6/2013 11:21 PM, Romain CIACCAFAVA wrote:
An easier way to do that would be using the diff() method of a DateTime object 
on another.

Romain Ciaccafava

Romain - you were so right. A little less calculating to be done and I got the result I wished. For anyone interested here's the function I'm using to determine how much time there is until a cookie expires. The cookie in question contains the expiration datetime that was used to create a paired cookie.

function GetTimeLeft($applid)
   if (isset($_COOKIE[$applid]))
      if (isset($_COOKIE[$applid."expire"]))
         $curr_time = new datetime();
         $cookietime = $_COOKIE[$applid."expire"];
         $exp_time = new datetime();
         $diff = $curr_time->diff($exp_time);
         $days = $diff->format("%d");
         $days = ($days > 1) ? "$days days": ($days == 1) ?
               "$days day" : '';
         $hms = $diff->format("%h:%i:%s");
         return "Time left: $days $hms";
         return '?';
      return '0';

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