> I was wondering about
> using PHP on WIndows and IIS 5.0.  Could somebody using the Windows version
> of PHP on IIS (preferably the ISAPI version) drop me a line and let me know
> how you like it?  How is it different from the Linux vesion?  How is it's
> COM support?  Anything I should look out for?

I use win98, php4, Apache, MySQL. Tried to set up php and mysq and apache 
under Suse but failed miserably.

* file security is different
* in your code you may be calling some non-php unix function. 
* i have to be online to use the mail function (i then use the SMTP of my 
ISP, specified in php.ini). 
* i don't know IIS, i know PWS is not very nice and Apache is better. Until 
now the combination i use is remarkably stable.

No idea on COM.


--  C.Hayes  Droevendaal 35  6708 PB Wageningen  the Netherlands  --


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