  I also have noticed "weird" behavior with multi (or 2D) arrays. Read more
on the manual board about arrays. However, I have finally figured out
something that works. Be careful of you you define the subarray, assign
values, and read the array. Here's what works for me:

Creating: (you could also use array_push(), but I don't think that is
supported by PHP3)

$myarray = array();
$myarray[] = array();


$myarray[$i][$j] = "some value";
(j can be blank or i and j can be hardcoded integers).

Reading (this was the most tricky for me):
returning $myarray[$i][$j] didn't seem to work (although the manual says it
should). It seems to work when $i and $j are hardcoded integers,
ie $myarray[0][1]

When $i and $j must be variables like your $key and $value, I finally went
with nested for loops (this works):

function print_array2D($array) {
   if(gettype($array)=="array") {
        $maxi = count($array) - 1;

        for ($i=0; $i<=$maxi; $i++) {
                echo "<li><b>$i:</b> ";
                $subarray = $array[$i];

                for ($j=0; $j<2; $j++) {
                        echo "$subarray[$j] ";

                echo "</li>";
   else {
        echo $array;


-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: [PHP] weird array behaviour

I have a function which returns a mulit-dimensional array, but the array
which is returned doesn't "work" for some reason :/

If i print the array within the function using

while (list($key) = each($myArray)) {
        while (list($key2, $value2) = each($myArray[$key])) {
                print $key . " : " . $key . " : " . $value;

it works fine but doing the same thing after the array has been returned
jus yields -- Warning:  Variable passed to each() is not an array or
object in ... refering to $myArray[$key];

even though if i print $myArray[$key] it tells me that it's an Array :/



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