Hi Cosmin,

@ 8:05:05 PM on 11/16/2001, cosmin laslau wrote:

> Hmm, seem to have run into something rather strange. First off, I
> ran the phpinfo command, and, lo and behold...
> http://www.flat-6.net/f6/analyze.php

I'd delete that when you're done (or just rename it to a totally
random (Ie. 1s8s7fgf0g7g987ga91a98.php) file name and bookmark it).

> It would seem that GD is there, there's a line --with-gd=shared' '

His gd support is broken I think; he needs to point ./configure to the
right place for gd, more than likely. Notice there's no section for
'gd' -- like there is for mysql, zlib, etc. He also might need
--with-png-dir=[dir] and --with-jpeg-dir=[dir]

% ./configure --help | egrep -i '(jpeg|png)'
  --with-jpeg-dir=DIR   jpeg dir for cpdflib 2.x
  --with-jpeg-dir=DIR       GD: Set the path to libjpeg install prefix.
  --with-png-dir=DIR        GD: Set the path to libpng install prefix.
  --with-jpeg-dir=DIR     PDFLIB3: define libjpeg install directory
  --with-png-dir=DIR      PDFLIB3: define libpng install directory

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