Cool, however PHP is not case sensitive, nor is ASP or HTML for that 
matter, therefore case sensitive syntax highlighting will not be good 
for these languages.


J Smith wrote:

> I sumbitted a similar patch to the Quanta team about a week ago. It may 
> appear in an upcoming release, possibly Quanta 3, which will come with KDE 
> 3.0.
> A few other additions I made:
> - highlighting is now case-insensitive for everything. I believe older 
> versions were case-sensitive for keywords, like function, class, etc.
> - support for ASP-style opening and closing tags (<% and %> instead of 
> <?php, <?, etc.)
> I'm also working on porting a newer editor from Kate/ktexteditor into 
> Quanta. It's been slow going, but things have picked up (it compiles and 
> runs now, albeit with a bunch of segfaults). This will make adding syntax 
> highlighting instructions much easier, as the latest versions of Kate allow 
> you to define highlighting rules in XML files, and the highlighting 
> instructions are set up at run-time rather than compile time. 
> Maybe over the XMas break I'll be able to finish it up.
> J
> Mike Eheler wrote:
>>Download the attached file, and run
>>patch -p1 -i quanta-2.0.1-php-4.1.0.diff
>>That will patch your source tree.. then just configure, make, install.
>>I've actually tested this one, so go nuts people. :) Please let me know
>>if you find any functions that should be keywords or keywords that
>>shouldn't be keywords, or functions/keywords that just plain aren't in
>>the list.

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