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* and then DL Neil blurted....
> Private note: heard the one about throwing stones and living in glass houses?
> > <tip>
> >     Try to keep your posts a little shorter
> >     if only for the sake of the dialup users ;)
> > </tip>

> this said by someone who:
> - pushes MIME messages into a discussion list/newsgroup (instead of simple text 
>format which is
> almost-universally preferred/required/recommended on lists),

er... I'm only sending text.

> - has a (unnecessary) PGP addendum on every msg sent,

That's a matter of opinion only.

> - frequently ends up sending msgs which open as blank screens, until certain email 
>client users make the extra
> effort of opening an attachment (a virus risk in most 'warnings/good practices' 

I'd be very interested to hear if anybody is getting this from me. As
far as I know There is *nothing* wrong with my messages. Perhaps there
is somthing wrong with 'Outhouse' on your machine :-)

> but whose contributions are often much appreciated!

er.... Thanks, I think?

- -- 

Nick Wilson

Tel:    +45 3325 0688
Fax:    +45 3325 0677
Web:    www.explodingnet.com

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)


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