----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 11:36 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Nasty DoS in PHP | Windows only?

> > I'd be interested in knowing your versions and the versions
> > of the first guy that posted about this. Maybe he has the same
> > setup as me, or close enough, but both of us are different
> > from you.
> Actually, I just thought about it - maybe you guys are both running
> it on Windows (shame on you ;)).
> I *have* actually seen PHP bring down IIS with a setcookie command.
> Since a setcookie issues headers, I thought "fine, screw you, I'll
> set the headers myself", and it STILL brought IIS down. And indeed,
> the load *did* skyrocket and require a reboot of the server.

I know what you are saying. I've taken down apache on win32 with setcookie

> I asked around here at the time if anyone had experienced this (look
> through the mailing list archive to find it) and at the time got
> more of a congratulatory salute from the list members than any real
> responses :)
> Maybe this is more of a PHP-on-IIS issue than an actual security
> issue in PHP.

I'm pretty sure they ran PHP on apache, not IIS. Maybe this problem is only
with the win32 version of the PHP module.

Nonetheless, a bug is still a bug. It would be nice if it wasn't there=)

> Jason
> --
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