J --
Thanks your reply, I 'm a little confused as to the relationship between 
PHP and Zend?
I thought all request were processed by Zend? Or is Zend Optimizer 
something different from
Zend that built as part of PHP4.2.x? Who would a duplicate the error 
below on my Linux box.

Thanks for your time.

J Smith wrote:

>The change to register_globals doesn't affect the Zend Optimizer or any 
>other extension afaik. That's a non-issue.
>What is of issue are changes to the Zend Engine itself, which underlies PHP. 
>Changes have been made to ZE that affect binary compatibility, so ZO 1.20 
>doesn't work with PHP 4.2.1.
>Here's the error message you'll likely receive if you try:
>"Zend Optimizer requires Zend Engine API version 20010710.
>The Zend Engine API version 20020429 which is installed, is newer."
>David J Jackson wrote:
>>Is my hosting company trying to "pull the wool over my eyes"?
>>There response to upgrading to 4.2.1, was that it isn't
>>compatible with Zind optomizer 1.20?
>>The only *issue* I seen with 4.2.x is of course register_globals!
>>(which of course be changed in php.ini)
>>I don't  have a problem with them holding off, but I do have a
>>problem with them trying to "blow smoke up my ***".

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