ok - no cookie exists...  I have Netscape set to accept all cookies.  I'm
wondering if it is in my link, or if it is a configuration error somewhere.
here is a copy of the session options from my php.ini (as copied from Zend
Server Center)

Session data handler files
Session save path/tmp
Use cookies to store session ID On
Session name DomIntCom
Session auto start Off
Cookie lifetime0
Cookie path /tmp
Cookie domain xxx.xxx.xxx
Session handler for serializing data php
Garbage collection probability 1
Maximum lifetime of data 1440
HTTP referrer check Empty
Session entropy length 0
Session entropy file /dev/urandom
Session cache control method nocache
Session cache expiration 180
Session use transient sid transport On

"Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Jeff,
> My apologies then. Somehow your response never arrived. It is still best
> to always "reply all" for things like this. You get the benefit of
> hearing several people's perspectives, and you also potentially help
> others who have the same question now or who may have it in the future
> (and check the list archives).
> Anyway, back to your problem ...
> Jeff Bluemel wrote:
> >what I mean by this is it was my understanding when reading the sessions
> >doc's that there was a way to for the system to use a stored system ID
> >stored in an SID, but the information wouldn't be sent to the browser,
> >be stored in a cookie.
> >
> Cookies are stored on the client, so they are also sent to the browser.
> Basically, the unique identifier (e.g., PHPSESSID) must be provided by
> the Web client in order for it to be associated with previous requests.
> The two most common methods of this are for it to send this information
> in a cookie (there is a Cookie header in the HTTP request) or as part of
> the query string in a URL (such as
> http://www.example.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=123456789) that it is
> >>With use_trans_sid set, PHP is going to append the session ID to the URL
> >>of links, etc., on:
> >>
> >>
> >I tried setting the user_trans_sid = 0, but it still will not use a
> >it doesn't appear to change anything when I play with these settings.
> >
> Right. I was explaining (poorly looking back) what the use_trans_sid
> does. Basically, the idea is that the developer doesn't have to worry
> about how the unique identifier is passed back. This is the "easiest"
> way to use session management, because it is transparent for the most
> part. PHP will try both cookie and URL methods to maintain the unique
> identifier, and it will use only a cookie once it can determine that the
> client supports them.
> You are having a problem, it sounds like, with the Web client *not*
> sending back the cookie in subsequent requests. Thus, use_trans_sid will
> append the unique identifier to the URL every time, as it believes the
> client to not be supporting cookies (which might just be your problem).
> When you combine this with use_only_cookies (sp?), you are basically
> telling PHP to ignore the unique identifier if it is sent on the URL.
> Thus, it is not receiving the cookie, and it is being instructed to not
> use the URL variable. It has no way to identify the client and maintain
> state.
> Your problem boils down to one thing: the cookie is not getting passed
> back. Focus on this initially. Make sure your Web browser is accepting
> the cookie (you can configure most browsers to warn you before accepting
> a cookie, so that you can be certain it is being set), and try to make
> sure your PHP script is receiving the cookie like it thinks it should
> be. For example, if the cookie is named PHPSESSID, try this:
> <?
> echo "cookie is [" . $_COOKIE["PHPSESSID"] . "]<br>";
> ?>
> If ths cookie is blank (e.g., "cookie is []"), you have identified your
> problem. Hopefully this will help you solve it.
> Happy hacking.
> Chris

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