How will the picture make it into the db?  Will they be uploaded by users?
I had to create an upload script for a sight that puts the picture in the
users directory on the webserver and then stored the path to the picture in
the db so when the web page is displayed, the tag is something like this
<img src="<? print myrow["picture1"]; ?>"> .  Picture1 just holds the
physical address such as /users/eddie/myhouse.jpg.  That way, the db isn't

Is that what you mean?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 8:57 AM
Subject: [PHP] Images not stored in Databases

    I have had help from a very useful person on storing images in
databases, and basically now I don't want to do this. But I may end up
storing a lot of pictures, and don't want to mess around.

    Is there a script or class, that is as simple as storing in a database,
that will handle possibly millions of pictures, and given a picture will
return the URL where it is stored? I suppose I could build one myself, but I
can see it being quite difficult, with problems such as maximum number of
files in directories etc.

     I have had a look at a few PHP pages, but cannot find anything

    Any help would be great.

    Have a great Christmas.



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