
    Yeh sorry I should of mentioned, using an upload script. And then I
shrink them (or grow) using GD.

    I understand I could give everyone a directory, but everyone would only
have one picture, so a waste of time.

    What would make more sense, and to ignore the limit on number of items
in a directory, is to have directories like a-z and directories inside them
of a-z till there can be over a million stored. And then create a random
combination and try and place it in one of the root directories. Is there a
sctript that organises huge numbers of pictures in directories?

    Also everyone logs in using there email address, not a username, so I
would prefer not to have to give them usernames!



> How will the picture make it into the db?  Will they be uploaded by users?
> I had to create an upload script for a sight that puts the picture in the
> users directory on the webserver and then stored the path to the picture
> the db so when the web page is displayed, the tag is something like this
> <img src="<? print myrow["picture1"]; ?>"> .  Picture1 just holds the
> physical address such as /users/eddie/myhouse.jpg.  That way, the db isn't
> huge.
> Is that what you mean?
> Eddie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Vernon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 8:57 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Images not stored in Databases
> Hiya,
>     I have had help from a very useful person on storing images in
> databases, and basically now I don't want to do this. But I may end up
> storing a lot of pictures, and don't want to mess around.
>     Is there a script or class, that is as simple as storing in a
> that will handle possibly millions of pictures, and given a picture will
> return the URL where it is stored? I suppose I could build one myself, but
> can see it being quite difficult, with problems such as maximum number of
> files in directories etc.
>      I have had a look at a few PHP pages, but cannot find anything
> suitable.
>     Any help would be great.
>     Have a great Christmas.
>     Love,
>     Steve
>     XX
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