2007/11/23, Josselin Mouette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> > It doesn't seem to use any cputime.
> > I don't know which part of gnome is responsible of this, and my try to
> > debug it lead to nowhere (more precisely when I tried to attach gdb to
> > a hanging part of gnome, it seem to bring it back to life, but I'm not
> > sure, as I must switch back and forth from console to try it)
> There can be two reasons for this kind of issues:
>      1. There is something misconfigured in the network settings (e.g.
>         the loopback interface or the DNS server), which is causing
>         timeouts.

mm, telnet localhost smtp work as excpected, so the loopback interface
seem to work.
I've just test it: the session launch work as excpected if the network
cable is unplug. So the problem is probably there

>      2. A faulty application is started but doesn't register correctly
>         to the session manager - or it fails to start.
> Can you please attach your ~/.gnome2/session file, and list
I've no ~/.gnome2/session file

> the /usr/share/gnome/autostart
gnome-at-session.desktop  gnome-power-manager.desktop
gnome-volume-manager.desktop  gsynaptics-init.desktop

>, /usr/share/autostart and
$ ls /usr/share/autostart
ls: /usr/share/autostart: No such file or directory

> ~/.local/autostart directories?

$ ls ~/.local/autostart
ls: /home/moi/.local/autostart: No such file or directory

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