reassign 452469 gnome-session

Le vendredi 23 novembre 2007 à 18:04 +0100, Remi Vanicat a écrit :
> > There can be two reasons for this kind of issues:
> >      1. There is something misconfigured in the network settings (e.g.
> >         the loopback interface or the DNS server), which is causing
> >         timeouts.
> mm, telnet localhost smtp work as excpected, so the loopback interface
> seem to work.
> I've just test it: the session launch work as excpected if the network
> cable is unplug. So the problem is probably there

Yes, it would be interesting to see the network configuration
(ifconfig), the DNS configuration (/etc/resolv.conf) and the route
configuration (route -n) when the cable is plugged.

Another thought: do you have network-manager installed? It maybe
interacting badly with something else that is managing your network
(although it is supposed to adapt).

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