Am 15.06.2010 12:30, schrieb Thibaut VARENE:
Could you consider, as a mitigation between two extreme options, that
in the event upstream fails to fix this bug in a timely fashion,
whenever you upload a new version of libflac you'd include this patch
with it? It can easily be reverted to whatever upstream finds sensible
afterwards, and will at least ensure that newer versions of libflac
aren't plagued with this bug. Since Debian is unaffected per se, the
sourceful rebuild of affected packages is not necessarily mandatory,
but there again, it would ensure that newer packages aren't affected
anymore... Does that make sense?

Yes, this sounds reasonable. With "this patch" do you mean the one I already posted to this bug report or do you have another (maybe less invasive) one at hand?

 - Fabian

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