On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Fabian Greffrath <fab...@greffrath.com> wrote:
> Am 15.06.2010 12:30, schrieb Thibaut VARENE:
>> Could you consider, as a mitigation between two extreme options, that
>> in the event upstream fails to fix this bug in a timely fashion,
>> whenever you upload a new version of libflac you'd include this patch
>> with it? It can easily be reverted to whatever upstream finds sensible
>> afterwards, and will at least ensure that newer versions of libflac
>> aren't plagued with this bug. Since Debian is unaffected per se, the
>> sourceful rebuild of affected packages is not necessarily mandatory,
>> but there again, it would ensure that newer packages aren't affected
>> anymore... Does that make sense?
> Yes, this sounds reasonable. With "this patch" do you mean the one I already
> posted to this bug report or do you have another (maybe less invasive) one
> at hand?

The one you posted, since it's known to work fine ;-)


Thibaut VARENE

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