On Sun, 2017-03-12 at 14:39 +0100, Ben Wiederhake wrote:
> This is frustrating, because I constantly touch the touchpad while typing,
> which either messes up everything (because 0.9s becomes 0s), or I have
> to wait for 1s every time I do anything with the keyboard
> (because I want a setting lower than 1s).
> And while I'm at it, here's a wishlist for a totally different functionality:
> - Only clicks should be blocked.  Movement-only doesn't interfere with typing,
>   so I don't see this ever being useful.
> - If the previous wish-item gets declined: If one starts moving during the
>   "blocking" phase, it seems to stay in a "blocking" state indefinitely until
>   I release the touchpad.  So whenever there's a false positive, I'm crrently
>   forced to let go and try again when the 1 second is over.
>   Ideally, this should not be necessary.

Note that xfce4-settings is merely and interface to the input layer. It
doesn't do any job by itself, besides indicating that layer how it should be
configured. So any feature request should first be exposed by that input

For the current settings and the rounding, can you check what ends up in the
input layer? You can use the xinput command to look into that. I don't use a
touchpad so I can't really give more details.


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