On Sun, 2017-03-12 at 15:35 +0100, BenWiederhake.GitHub wrote:
> Here's the behavior of `xinput --watch-props` with the right device ID.

Actually I think it might make sense to look at that *when you change the

> - With 0.9 s, nothing gets logged when I type or when I touch the touchpad.
> - With 1.1 s and a single keypress, it immediately says "Property 
> 'Synaptics Off' changed:  Synaptics off (283): 1", and after roughly 1 
> second it says "Property 'Synaptics Off' changed:  Synaptics off (283): 0"
> - With 1.1 s and several keypresses, it seems to correctly wait for 1.1 
> seconds after keyboard activity ceased.
> So it looks as if there's something "above" Synaptics responsible for 
> the "disable for certain time" logic, and *that* logic has an issue.

That's very strange. I really don't know anything about how synaptics works,
but I had the feeling all the fancy features where implemented either in the
touchpad firmware, in the kernel drivers or in the Xorg driver. In any case,
it shouldn't be in the configuration layer (whether xinput or in xfce4-
> Looking into the dialog's main.c, line 1998 appears to refer to the key 
> '/DisableTouchpadDuration', which `xfconf-query -m -c pointers` 
> verifies. 

What is stored there? The correct values or the rounded ones? Those values are
just the xfce4-settings configuration anyway, which should then be passed (at
startup or when they're changed) to the input layer.

>  So the problem is indeed somewhere between xfconf (inclusive) 
> and xinput (exclusive).

xfconf is just a storage place for configuration settings. If the stored
values are rounded it might be related to xfconf, but besides that it's
completely out of the equation.
> Where should I look next?  I'm currently reading xfconf's source to find 
> the next step.

No, xfconf is not the right direction. Try to configure your touchpad using
only the xinput commands, keep Xfce outside of the equation.


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