> > On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> Then it`s sad that the port was marked for 4.0...
> >
> > Your ignorance continues to astound, *it isn't* marked for 4.0.
> > Sometimes it is easier to work on something in-tree.
> >
> > -d
> Damien, briefly.. you`re talking junk.

No, Damien is tell the TRUTH.


It is for our DEVELOPERS.

it is OUR tree.  We put in it what WE WANT, when WE WANT.  You are
lucky you get it at all.

You don't get to tell ANYONE WHO IS A DEVELOPER what they may or
may not put in the tree, and when, and when not to do so.

You are a user.  You will always just be a user.  Your opinion counts
does not count at all.

> What did I do? I tried a Port of OpenBSD 4.0 on the only avaiable
> architecture. So what are you talking about?

Poor little Sebastian!

> If you love to have it in tree even if it`s brocken the Port itself could
> get marked as brocken (there some of those Ports) so that nobody on any
> architecture simply tries to build it. Or you even could have take care
> that
> the port gets NOT tagged for 4.0 (but then it still remains in the
> Ports-tree for current, clever, or?).
> So who`s ignorant here?

You are the ignorant asshole, that's clear to everyone.

Why don't you just PLEASE LEAVE and find a project that will listen
to you.  NOONE here will ever do anything that you want, because there
is a fundamental LACK OF RESPECT for ANYTHING YOU SAY.

EVERYTHING you say is just whiney whiney shit, shit, and shit.

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