
Szenesis Webs wrote (2023-03-27 06:18 CEST):
> I have created a neofetch-like script but specific for OpenBSD.
> The documentation does say to consult the ports@openbsd.org, which is why
> I am asking.

You came to the right place. Have you tried creating a port already?

Generally, the porting FAQ is a good place to start reading:

Ports are usually created and tested on -current systems and then 
included into the next release.

If you want to start porting, see how far you can get on your own. Then
show us what you did and you'll get the help you need.

If you want a more interactive kick start, I can recommend Brians porting 
workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_TnemhzbXQ

> I also posted the tool and its idea on reddit and everybody
> seemed to like it.

Not everyone here is on reddit. Can you provide a link to the tool?

Best Regards,

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