Szenesis Webs wrote (2023-03-27 16:55 CEST):
> On Mon, Mar 27, 2023, 8:17 AM Stefan Hagen <> 
> wrote:
> > Szenesis Webs wrote (2023-03-27 06:18 CEST):
> > > I have created a neofetch-like script but specific for OpenBSD.

> > Not everyone here is on reddit. Can you provide a link to the tool?

> Yes I can. Here:

Aww, that's cute.

$ ./sysinfo
          _____         sdk@x13
        \-     -/       OS: OpenBSD 7.3
     \_/         \      WM: spectrwm
     |        O O |     Kernel: GENERIC.MP#32
     |_  <   )  3 )     Uptime: 6:10, 0
     / \         /      Packages: 899
        /-_____-\       Shell: ksh
                        CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 PRO 4750U with Radeon Graphics
                        GPU: Device: AMD Radeon Graphics
                        RAM: 896M/11G

Something is wrong with the uptime detection though:
 7:36PM  up  7:09, 0 users, load averages: 0.26, 0.42, 0.42

I have attached a small port for it...

Some feedback:
- Github is fine, but you should provide a release. Using GH_COMMIT should
  not be used in a port. Instead GH_TAGNAME with the version of the 
- In order to deliver a package to users, the port must have a license.
  Ideally, include a LICENSE file, which contains the license of your

Please try to fix the attached port. You may want to add yourself as 

Best Regards,


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