So, in short, you "prepared" an update for a port which is maintained
(by me) by just taking the "newest" release and checking that it compiles ?

It didn't occur to you that there might be a reason the port is *lagging*
by so much from the release ? like for instance, support for OpenBSD libraries
being totally fubar in cmake over a long period of time ?

I've been talking on-and-off to the people at kitware, who told me they put
some support in cmake 2.8, which I actually intended to take for a test drive
during the lock period (and I'm doing so now), so if it kind of works, you
can expect I'll fix the remaining parts. After all, I've ported the original
cmake, written, and actually used it to do some actual stuff.

Sorry for the flaming, but I'm actually pissed. The impossibility of updating
cmake to 2.6 has been kind of a problem I didn't have the time to tackle 
during the last year, so having a newcomer barge in, blatantly ignore our
simple rules (like, actually ASK the maintainer directly why there's no cmake
update), and post a very simple totally untested tarball  is completely

How about you follow the rules next time, like work on a port that's not
maintained, or ASK before providing an update ?

(old timers will notice that I'm actually listed as the maintainer of cmake.
There are quite a few ports I did for which I did not explicitly take
responsability. cmake is NOT ONE OF THOSE. You can figure the rest...)

Or get a clue, and figure out that there might be a reason why cmake is so
far behind.

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