Thank you Devon for your advice.

Ruby on Rails which receives a lot of spotlight among web developers
thesedays has a philosophy : programmer's time is the most expensive.
With RoR you can develop usual web application in one tenth of common
developing time, while the performance may be five to ten times
slower. They try to reduce the programmer's time at the cost of longer
computing time; they say you should solve most scalability problems
with more expensive hardwares. I agreed with them.

I fully appreciate your advice, but still believes there are values at
investing more time improving the solution, which already does the job


2007/2/4, Devon McCormick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
June -

how many times do you plan to solve the problem or do you plan to
extend the search?

I'm asking because I just wrote "collatz" myself for the projectEuler math
challenge. My version, which I wrote in less than 5 minutes, took about
1350 seconds to complete for the first million integers. Obviously,
Roger's version is far faster.

However, I may never run this code again.

I looked at one of the discussion groups on the math challenge site
and, typically, much of the talk was about shaving seconds off an
implementation of code to solve one of the problems.

I still fail to grasp the economics of spending hours of one's own,
irreplaceable time to save seconds of processing time, especially
for one-shot solutions and especially since I can do other things
in the 1300 seconds I "waste" by not running faster code.

Apologies to long-time readers of this forum for this re-iteration
of my standard rant, number one on the list, but it continues to be

Just to point out the benefits of coding quickly and inefficiently, in the
few days since I got interested in this math challenge, I've gotten my
ranking up to around 380 out of 2089, so I've passed about 1700 people.

Not to brag: I owe it to J and a little of it to advance peeks at
some of the problems people have asked about on the forum.

I probably should really be embarrassed that I'm gaining on people
in a race where most of them are crawling, wearing boxes on their
heads and dragging chains.

So, I'm unwilling to spend more than a few minutes to improve on a
solution, especially one that Roger wrote.  However, his essay on the
solution is worthwhile, especially for the notion of caching results, as
this has general applicability and may be a time-saver in the future.

Good luck,


On 2/3/07, June Kim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Have a look at this problem:
> In short, you need to calculate the maximum cycle length in a given range.
> Roger wrote an essay which is related to this problem.
> Suppose we want to calculate the maximum cycle length of collatz
> sequences for 1, ..., 1e6.
> It would be defined, using Roger's definition, as >./ cn 1e6
> It currently takes around 40 secs on the computer I'm using. Could you
> improve its efficiency?
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Devon McCormick
^me^ at acm.
org is my
preferred e-mail
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