Neil Schemenauer <> added the comment:

Private is fine.  We want to get the design correct before making it part of 
the official API.  My thought is that providing a handy atexit hook would be a 
good thing in that it could be an alternative to 3rd party code using __del__ 
to do cleanup.

One downside of atexit is that there is still a question of ordering the calls 
during shutdown.  I had the idea that maybe register() should take some sort of 
argument to specify when the function should be called.  That seems like 
leading down the road of madness maybe.  It would be useful to look at what 
other languages do, e.g. Java.  My understanding is that new versions of Java 
encourage finalizers like weakref callbacks and discourage or disallow 
finalizers like __del__.  I.e. you are not allowed to see the state of the 
object being finalized and cannot resurrect it.

Regarding m_traverse, maybe the list of finalizers should be stored somewhere 
in the interpreter state, not in the atexit module state.  That would make more 
sense to me.  atexit could merely be a way to manage it rather than actually 
holding it.


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