On Sat 10 Dec, 17:47 +0100, Baptiste Carvello <devel2...@baptiste-carvello.net> 
There is a small catch though: unless I'm mistaken, Discourse won't let
you subscribe to just a set of categories, so any filtering has to
happen on the Mailman side.

Well, it is actually possible to achieve what you want.

I have set up Discourse in mailing-list mode [1].

By default muted categories are not included in the emails you get in mailing 
list mode.

So, you just need to mute all categories you don't care about. It is a bit of work, but it needs to 
be done only once. To have an almost complete equivalent of the topics that were once discussed on 
python-dev, you can just mute every thing except the "Core Development" category. This is 
the setting I am using since a while and I am quite happy with it. You may want to unmute the 
"PEPs" category as well.

Threading info is kept quite nicely, so I read the discourse mail notifications 
as if it were a mailing list and I almost do not see any difference. Text is 
sometimes a bit messy if people heavily use the discourse formatting 
capabilities, but this kind of posts are quite rare in my experience.

This does not solve the problem of engaging actively in a discussion, of 
course, but at least for me it is OK to login to discourse if I have to post, 
given that 99.99% of the time I just want to read posts in my mail client.


[1] You can do this while editing your profile preferences, under the "Emails" 
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