If the only difference is the text between the stack traces, why aren't you 
suggesting to change that text?

> On 7 Feb 2020, at 15:30, Ram Rachum <r...@rachum.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to suggest an idea, that builds on PEPs 3134 and 409.
> This idea came up when discussing a problem on the django-developers mailing 
> list: 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer#!msg/django-developers/ibEOt3A9c2M/EP4gbQyTFwAJ
> I'll first explain my idea, and then the original problem.
> The idea is to add `raise as` syntax, that raises an exception while setting 
> the currently caught exception to be the cause. It'll look like this: 
>     try:
>         1/0
>     except ZeroDivisionError:
>         raise as ValueError('Whatever')
> What it does is a shorter version of this: 
>     try:
>         1/0
>     except ZeroDivisionError as error:
>         raise ValueError('Whatever') from error
> Of course, this syntax could only be used inside an except clause, similarly 
> to a blank `raise`.
> The `raise as` syntax was one of the rejected syntaxes in PEP 409, for a 
> different use-case, of suppressing context: 
> https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0409/#alternatives
> I think that this syntax might be a good fit for this use-case.
> The reason I propose this, is that I had a hard time convincing the Django 
> maintainers to use the current `raise foo from bar` syntax in cases where 
> it's appropriate, i.e. when they wrap an exception with another exception. 
> This is important because then the users see the correct message between the 
> two tracebacks, which is "The above exception was the direct cause of the 
> following exception:" rather than "During handling of the above exception, 
> another exception occurred" which is for other cases.
> This is my first PR in this topic that was merged: 
> https://github.com/django/django/pull/12263
> Even though that first PR was merged, after we discussed adding this all over 
> Django, and recommending that `raise foo from bar` be used in the style 
> guide, Carlton Gibson changed his mind. He gave his arguments in the 
> Django-developers thread I linked to at the top.
> That's sad for me, because if Django doesn't accept the new syntax, and is 
> okay with the inaccurate "During handling of" message between exceptions, 
> chances are low that there will be widespread adoption of the current `raise 
> foo from bar` syntax.
> It's possible that introducing the simpler `raise as` would increase adoption 
> and make users pay attention to the message between exception tracebacks.
> What do you think? 
> Thanks,
> Ram.
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