OK. Should probably put 1.3.14 on the website, then. So that qtp- newmodel and other upgrades don't run into the same problem.

Interesting. That directory is the one that was coming up as part of my 'issues'.

I'm afraid I'm not quite up to 'spec file mod' level status. Is it at all possible that the correction for 1.3.14 would lead to a change somewhere in some portion of the includes or the files for the binaries for Spamassassin which would then convince the system to look for the .pre files in that location rather than /etc/mail/ spamassassin ?


On May 8, 2008, at 5:59 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

Use 1.3.14. It contains a bug fix in the spec file (otherwise they're the
same). The bug it fixes is:
install: cannot create regular file
`/var/tmp/spamassassin-toaster-root/etc/mail/spamassassin/ local.cf.bz2': No
such file or directory

Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
I do have a question. When the last Spamassassin-toaster package came
out, there were problems. This was then followed by a thread that
included a package Eric put together that was version 3.2.4 release
1.3.14. I have that package. But the QMT website is only showing release

Should I do a rebuild with release 1.3.14's src.rpm? Or should I DL
release 1.3.13's src.rpm and build that instead?


On May 8, 2008, at 12:59 PM, Roxanne Sandesara wrote:

To be clear, I was not blaming Jake, or his utilities. I've had great
luck with everything Jake has ever done or offered. I was merely
answering the question of how it was I'd installed sa-update.

I'm also not really sure that the executables themselves /have/ been
messed up. It's possible. They might be. Or they might be pulling in
data from some other included file that is incorrect. I just can't
/find/ that other file.

I also can't quite fathom how, if the executables had been messed up
during the installation - which also happened this prior weekend - how
things managed to run just fine until yesterday afternoon. My
suspicion would have been that some run of some cron job or another
ended up altering some file or another to put in this incorrect path
and create the issue. But I really have no clue. I'm fishing in the dark.

Nevertheless. I will try, as stated, to DL the latest SA src.rpm,
rebuild, and re-install when I get a chance, either late tonight or
this coming weekend.

I do appreciate all of the help I received trying to narrow down what
was going on and how to get things back up and running.


On May 8, 2008, at 12:49 PM, Jake Vickers wrote:

James Pratt wrote:
Ah, ok... that explains it ... So whoever wrote this qtp-sa-update
deserves a smackdown... What are they thinking by touching the SA
executables ? That is just *very* bad (I would dare say *evil* ;)
programming... :\

Note to others: Configure sa-update's using these instructions -
to the point, and it wont' touch your binaries/scripts...

... and for ditching RDJ, there is openprotect.com's SARE rule channel:


I'm just jumping in on the tail of this, but you can try and give me the smack down if you want. Or you can quit using the software I write. qtp-sa-update does not touch the SA executables at all. I don't even know where you would get the idea if you even looked at the script. I think if you do your due diligence you'll see the script does almost
exactly what the 2 links you provided do almost step by step.
Looking at the error, it looks like a remnant left over from when the spamassassin-toaster package spec file was broken or at least acting
I'd suggest rebuilding the package (spamassassin-toaster). It looks
like you got one of the many bugs reported on the list by this latest
version or revert to an older version.
(to recap: the qtp-sa-update script removed the RDJ rules if they
were there from an older version of QTP, then installs the
Apache/Spamassassin channel, then installs the OpenProtect channel.
It doesn't touch the executable at all)

-Eric 'shubes'

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