The first line below, starting with 127.: will be used by any webmail operations on the server. Currently, the next line, starting with only a :, will be used by all other processes. If you want to speed up submission of emails for local clients, you could add a line starting (for example) with 192.128.0.:, otherwise identical to the 127: line, which would allow local clients to send email without any concern to Chkuser for the number of connections at one time, etc. (You would want to add the DKSIGN segment there, so that all outgoing mail gets signed.)

But that's making some assumptions about your network topography that I'm not sure are correct. In short, the addresses in tcp.smtp are all about the addresses of other machines connecting to your QMT, not the address of your QMT.


On May 10, 2008, at 5:51 AM, Tom Manliclic wrote:

hmmm i don't know what is happening. The slow response when sending emails started again. Restarting all services and including the machine did not help. It seems that the problem is intermittent.

Can we please try to continue on getting the culprit?

Could it be my tcp.smtp?
127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/ private",RBLSMTPD="",NOP0FCHECK="1",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/ simscan" :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER _WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simscan",DKSIGN="/ var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",NOP0FCHECK="1"

Do I really need to add my local address 192.168.0..5 of the server here? Though this is added I'm still connecting using the IP address from the outside connection that uses :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",BADLOADERTYPE="M etc.

Thank you again.

Eric Shubert wrote: There's a little bit about self signed certs at the end of the page. If you need more than that, there are many web pages about creating a self signed cert. Any one should do. The certificate is the same as would be used by apache. Google is your friend. ;) Tom Manliclic wrote:

I'm using Thunderbird. Can you send me a link to follow in doing a self signed certificate if it is required in my setup? Eric Shubert wrote:

Jake Vickers wrote:

Tom Manliclic wrote:

Yes it seem to be responding well now after I did a qmailctl cdb without actually changing anything. But I still have this prompt and smtp slow to respond sometimes but atleast not as slow as before. Could it be that there are several who are trying to connect? How will I be able to check on how many active connections I have for smtp and pop3?
You'll need to configure Outlook to not use SSL, or purchase a cert accredited by Outlook.
I'm not so sure about that Jake. ;) I've set up Outlook'03 (and '07 I believe) to use SSL with SMTP on the submission (587) port. I presume it's actually doing TLS. The certificate isn't the default localhost cert, but it is essentially a self-signed cert (signed by IIRC I did have to manually add the CA cert chain to each machine though, which might not be practical for some folks. So a self-signed cert can be used with Outlook. A purchased cert is much easier to set up though, especially on anything but a small scale.

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