On 24/04/2010 1:15 PM, Christopher Brown wrote:
I looked through the documentation and the mailing lists and could not
find an answer to this.  My apologies if it has already been answered.
 If it has, a pointer to the relevant discussion would be greatly

Environments are unusual in that they are reference objects: if e is an environment, and you assign f <- e, then f refers to the same object as e does. This is unusual in R, where most objects are copied on assignment (logically, not always physically). It means that attributes on environments behave strangely: if you put an attribute on e and remove the same attribute from f, it is gone from e too. We've discussed removing the possibility of putting attributes on environments (just as you can't put attributes on NULL), but haven't done so yet.

What you should do if you want to use an environment in the way you're using it is to put it in a container. For S4, that could mean using an environment as a slot, or inheriting from an object like list(e), rather than directly from e.

Duncan Murdoch
Creating S4 classes containing environments exhibits unexpected
behavior/features.  These have a different in two ways:

1) slotName for the data: ".xData" instead of ".Data" and do not respond to the
2) Response to the is.* function seems to indicate that the object
does not know of its inheritance.  ( Notably, the inherits function
works as expected. )

Here is a working illustration:

setClass( 'inheritList', contains='list')
[1] "inheritList"
inList <- new( 'inheritList' )
class( inList )
[1] "inheritList"
[1] ".GlobalEnv"
is.list( inList )          # TRUE
[1] TRUE
slotNames(inList)          # ".Data"
[1] ".Data"
inherits(inList, 'list' )  # TRUE
[1] TRUE
setClass( 'inheritEnv', contains='environment' )
Defining type "environment" as a superclass via class ".environment"
[1] "inheritEnv"
inEnv <- new( 'inheritEnv' )
[1] "inheritEnv"
[1] ".GlobalEnv"
is.environment(inEnv)             # FALSE
slotNames(inEnv)                  # ".xData"
[1] ".xData"
inherits(inEnv, 'environment' )   # TRUE
[1] TRUE

My questions is whether this behavior is a bug? By design?  A work
around?  Etc.?

Thanks kindly for your reply,


the Open Data Group

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