In addition to Duncan Murdoch's explanation, this is discussed in the documentation for "Classes" (briefly):

Extending a basic type this way allows objects to use old-style code for the corresponding type as well as S4 methods. Any basic type can be used for .Data, but a few types are treated differently because they do not behave like ordinary objects; for example, "NULL", environments, and external pointers. Classes extend these types by using a specially named slot, itself inherited from an internally defined S4 class. Inheritance from the nonstandard object type then requires an actual computation, rather than the "simple" inclusion for other types and classes. The intent is that programmers will not need to take account of the mechanism, but one implication is that you should not explicitly use the type of an S4 object that extends an arbitrary object type. Use is and similar functions instead.


The code for is.environment() is presumably using the type, whereas inherits() takes account of the indirect mechanism.

Generally, you should be able to deal with inheritance from environments in a natural way.


On 4/24/10 10:15 AM, Christopher Brown wrote:
I looked through the documentation and the mailing lists and could not
find an answer to this.  My apologies if it has already been answered.
  If it has, a pointer to the relevant discussion would be greatly

Creating S4 classes containing environments exhibits unexpected
behavior/features.  These have a different in two ways:

1) slotName for the data: ".xData" instead of ".Data" and do not respond to the
2) Response to the is.* function seems to indicate that the object
does not know of its inheritance.  ( Notably, the inherits function
works as expected. )

Here is a working illustration:

setClass( 'inheritList', contains='list')
[1] "inheritList"
inList<- new( 'inheritList' )
class( inList )
[1] "inheritList"
[1] ".GlobalEnv"
is.list( inList )          # TRUE
[1] TRUE
slotNames(inList)          # ".Data"
[1] ".Data"
inherits(inList, 'list' )  # TRUE
[1] TRUE

setClass( 'inheritEnv', contains='environment' )
Defining type "environment" as a superclass via class ".environment"
[1] "inheritEnv"
inEnv<- new( 'inheritEnv' )
[1] "inheritEnv"
[1] ".GlobalEnv"
is.environment(inEnv)             # FALSE
slotNames(inEnv)                  # ".xData"
[1] ".xData"
inherits(inEnv, 'environment' )   # TRUE
[1] TRUE

My questions is whether this behavior is a bug? By design?  A work
around?  Etc.?

Thanks kindly for your reply,


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