В Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:14:05 -0800
Carl Schwarz <cschwarzstatsf...@gmail.com> пишет:

> I tried using the web interface at https://builder.r-hub.io/ to
> select the denebian machines, and it returns a message saying
> We're sorry, but something went wrong.
> If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.

> So how do I tell if this a "Rhub issue" or an issue with my package?

A problem with your package would look more like the check at least
starting and then producing errors. Here, it doesn't look like the
check is even starting.

> Or do I just give up on using Rhub to check the denebian machines?

For a while, Rhub used to offer the only on-demand checking service
specifically on Linux machines (there was Win-builder by Uwe Ligges and
macOS builder by Simon Urbanek, but no "Linux builder"), including
Debian [*]. Now that the funding ran out [**], you can try using
various continuous integration services to run your checks in a Linux
virtual machine. Many of them offer free compute minutes.

I think that you've already fulfilled the requirements of the CRAN
policy by fixing all known problems and having R CMD check --as-cran on
R-devel run for you by Win-Builder (which is what
devtools::check_win_devel() does).

Best regards,

Named after Debra Lynn and Ian Murdock


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