To whom it may concern,
 I have been trying forever to get R installed on a computer running Linux Mint 
20.1, but nothing works. I went to CRAN ( 
and followed all of the instructions, but it installed R 3.6.3! This would not 
be a problem since I only need to do some relatively simple things, except 
every library has updated to R 4.0 and nothing from 3.6 can be used with 4.0, 
and vice versa. I can use base R just fine in RStudio, but any attempts to 
downloads libraries fail. 

I asked for help on the Linux Mint Forums 
but we did not make a lot of progress. What we figured out what that on the 
official instructions, they are missing a step. [sudo apt-update] needs to be 
run after [add-apt-repository ppa...]. I also needed to run [apt-get update 
--allow-insecure-repositories], but I have no idea why CRAN's repository would 
not be secure. Adding these steps gets me the error,
Err:5 ulyssa-cran40/ Packages
  404  Not Found [IP: 443]
Any help figuring this out will be much appreciated. 

From,        -E

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