I often wondered what it would be like to take a ride with him (them). A 
metaphysical experience? :)

I will be humbled and ground into the dirt.
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of Josh C
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2023 4:42 PM
To: RBW Owners Bunch <rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [RBW] Re: Riv Ride Report - Impromptu Ride /w Grant

Great post. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like a nice experience.
On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 5:08:37 PM UTC-4 Bill Lindsay wrote:
That's just sensational.  You'll remember that day forever!

BL in EC
On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 1:40:39 PM UTC-7 Joe A. wrote:
Hey All,

I wanted to share a special ride report from this past Saturday.

Originally, my wife and I planned to hop on BART from West Oakland and travel 
to Walnut Creek to visit the Riv HQ, followed by a quick ride around Shell 
Ridge. I've been to the showroom a handful of times to pick some odds and ends, 
but my wife has never been.

She currently rides a Clem H in "Barf Green" as she calls it (ha!) that I 
sourced for her from a fellow bay area Riv rider. It's an amazing bike, but as 
she didn't pick it, it's never truly been hers. I was excited for her to try 
out a few bikes and finally find her one true steed.

We arrived to find Grant in the showroom, helping another person find their PBH 
size. Before long, my Wife and Grant were deep in conversation about what type 
of bike she was looking for, and she hopped on a Platypus, Homer (the new gold 
ones look amazing in person btw), Proto Charlie, amongst others. She 
immediately fell in love with the Homer and was zipping around the compound 
with a huge smile on her face. While she did that, I nerded out with James, 
checking out his Homer and Atlantis.

Intermittently, Grant, James, and Riv Friend Dan, gushed about the color of her 
frame, how unique the color was and how beautiful it was in the light (all 
things I also thought when I scored the bike for her). For context, my wife is 
obsessed with getting a yellow or orange bike, and nothing else will please her 
:) Grant conceded to her that yes, one should have a bike in a color that makes 
them love it, and so it in was in friendly jest that for the rest of our time 
together Grant kept talking up her "barf green" Clem. I thought it was 

After an hour or so, we said that we'd come back another day to hammer out the 
details on a build, and that we were off to Shell Ridge to ride some trails. I 
confessed that we'd never been out there before and James let me take a photo 
of a map they had on hand to get there.

We set off, only to find both Grant (on his light blue Clem) and Dan (on his 
army green Gus) waiting near the start of the trailhead!

They graciously offered to show us around (though were careful to give us the 
option to get a few pointers and continue on with our date ride). Obviously, we 
were more that elated to have Grant and Dan lead us on our first ride in Riv's 
backyard. How cool is that??

So we were off! Grant and Dan tested our chops a bit through some light trails, 
and eventually we came up to a fork in the road. Grant and Dan gave each other 
a look and after a moment Grant said "well, you two look like you can handle 
yourselves, so let's try some singletrack, it'll be fun!"

Full disclosure: my Wife and I are pretty avid cyclists, though we spend most 
of our time on easier fire trails and pavement in the urban jungle of Oakland. 
So... our experience on singletrack and trails in general isn't the greatest. 
But when Grant says ride, you most certainly follow. I also felt comfortable 
knowing we had them around. I must also admit that I've never really taken my 
Clem L on this kind of terrain, so there was a lot of learning to do.

What followed was an amazing jaunt around Shell Ridge. I fell at least twice, 
but there was no shame to be had. Dan shared that on his first ride with Grant 
in Shell Ridge, he fell off his bike and slid 50ft down the side of a hill 
which scored some laughs all around.

As we went along, both Dan and Grant gave me some tips on how to ride the 
terrain and by the second half I was having the time of my life. The biggest 
thing I learned was to trust the long-wheel base, and pedal, pedal, pedal. It 
took a bit of courage to do, but once I got the hang of it I was amazed at how, 
yes, you really can pedal through those moments of doubt and come away smiling. 
I'll never forget it. I was also in awe of how skillfully both Grant and Dan 
rode the terrain, they're incredibly skillful but are never in your face about 

Along the way, we had great conversations about not just bikes, but life. I 
asked Grant if he was going to celebrate Riv's 30th anniversary next year to 
which he yelled "NO!" (though I suspect people will celebrate him and the team 
anyway) and in turn, he asked us about our lives, our interests, our hobbies, 
etc. It was great to hear about his philosophy on life, on bikes and everything 
in between. We joked about the French (my wife is French) and Grant's struggles 
to pronounce French words. I even snapped a few photos on my Kodak Ektar H35.

Grant was also a great ride leader, explaining how to approach certain sections 
in a non-condescending manner. The riding was technical, but I never felt 
overwhelmed, and both my wife and I really began to understand how Grant's 
design philosophies translates to real world applications. Oh they definitely 
translate :)

After about 2 hours on the trails we made our way back to HQ where Grant 
graciously gave us some coconut water to rehydrate. We were gassed, so we hung 
back and talked more about Taiwan and the bike manufacturing scene there, and 
shared the story of how my wife and I met in Taipei over a decade ago.

Before leaving, the Riv team also gave us some goodies (patches, stickers and 
shirts!) and we said our goodbyes, promising to come back soon to not only get 
my wife a Homer, (though she's since reconsidered getting a Roadini to 
complement her Clem, that she now has a newfound appreciation for, obviously) 
but also hang out.

I can't stress enough how thankful we are to have had the opportunity to ride 
with Grant and Dan. I've always had a sense of the Rivendell vibe, but that day 
really solidified it my mind as the best bike company in the world. Grant, if 
you ever read this, you are the man!

I wish I had taken more digital photos of us, but will have to wait to develop 
the film. We did snap a photo of our "fearsome foursome" before leaving though 
(my wife Mathilde is between Dan and Grant, and I'm on the right):


I'll also share some photos of our rigs when I get a chance! Oh and a few weeks 
back I made a post to the group about offloading my Clem for a Gus. Yeah, that 
ain't happening anymore :)

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoyed reading (I know I can be a bit long-winded with my 
writing) and would love to hear about similar experiences folks have had riding 
with the Riv team.



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