Hi Edward,
I have issues running the relax script from terminal on MacOs.

I installed relax using the downoladed dmg instaler relax-4.0.3.Darwin.dmg. <http://download.gna.org/relax/4.0.3/relax-4.0.3.Darwin.dmg> In principle the relax works, although I face some issues loading the peak intensities relaxation dispersion. Here when I select the file it is not displayed in the "The file name(s)" field unless I press the "nagnifying glass" icon in the read file pop-up window.

I decided to run the script version of the analysis and found out, that the relax binary doesn't read the python script. It automatically opens the GUI and ignores the script.

I run it using command with full relax path. The symbolic link to this location is misbehaving.
/Applications/relax.app/Contents/MacOS/relax cpmg_analysis.py

Do you have any suggestion how to run the relax script? I prefer the script as it is more convenient to me.

Thank you in advance

relax (http://www.nmr-relax.com)

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