Answering my own question #1, I found the
HessionProxyFactory.setUser() and setPassword() methods.  Great.

#2 is still a mystery to me.  I'm in a servlet, how do I
programmatically tell the container to "log me in" with a username and


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Jeff Schnitzer <> wrote:
> First of all, I'd just like to say wow, I'm happy to re-discover Resin
> - I recall using it briefly in 2002 and I'm impressed with what you've
> been doing since.  It's a sharp contrast to the progress of JBoss,
> which has sadly become a complete wreck in the last few years.  The
> web beans stuff is fantastic and you're way ahead of the game.
> I've read most of the docs now and I'm a bit confused about how you
> authenticate to the container in two different scenarios:
> #1) A remote caller using hessian, either from another Resin instance
> (using DI) or from a standalone client.  I presume at a protocol level
> this involves basic or digest auth, but I don't see the API hooks.
> #2) Within the container, how do you authenticate programmatically?
> Ie, not using login forms or basic auth.  This is the common case of a
> signup form; after the user has filled out their chosen username and
> password I want to authenticate them to the container without forcing
> them to re-enter the credentials.
> Thanks,
> Jeff

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