On Mar 30, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Scott Hernandez wrote:

> Well, I have configured a test app to use hibernate and I have a few
> problems (and a bit of success):
> I was able to get the same code working from a servlet, but when
> trying to get data I get an exception when running from a @Service (in
> the @PostConstruct method):
> [21:26:06.430] {main} java.lang.IllegalStateException:
> EntityManagerTransactionProxy[test,null]: @PersistenceContext
> EntityManager may not be used outside of a transaction
> [21:26:06.430] {main}   at

> trying to use entityManager.getTransaction().begin got me this  
> exception:
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Container-manager @PersistenceContext
> may not use getTransaction.
> I'm guessing that the problem is that the @Service post construction
> is happened too soon, maybe.

It's a different issue, I believe.  The EntityManager is intended to  
be used inside a UserTransaction, i.e. a container-managed  
transaction.  The JavaEE model is that you're running inside a Session  
bean, although that's not strictly necessary as long as it's inside a  

If you're managing transactions with the EntityManager, you need to  
use EntityManagerFactory, not EntityManager.  (It's been a little  
while since I've read that part of the spec, though.)

-- Scott

> [snip]
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