I use Eclipse and run Resin within it's framework but do not use a 
plug-in.  I just set it up as a Run Configuration doing these steps:

1) Run --> Run Configuration
2) Create a new Java Application

On the new configurations screen I do:

1) Main (tab)
Main class: com.caucho.server.resin.Resin

2) Arguments (tab)
Program arguments:
-conf /path-to-configuration/resin.xml

VM arguments:

3) Classpath (tab)
Highlight Bootstrap Entries and click "Add External JARs ..."
Add all of the jars under:

I think that's all the steps.  Once you do that you should have Resin 
running under Eclipse.  If you have a Java project, you will want to 
probably add it on the Main tab, and add any dependencies to your Java 
code by right-clicking on your Java project, selecting "Build Path --> 
Configure Build Path" and then "Add external JARs" for each dependency 
so that it all compiles properly.

> I noticed there is an eclipse plugin in the svn tree
> (artifacts/eclipse) that has seen some recent checkins. The build
> instructions seem pretty straight forward and end with directions to
> post the update-site at http://caucho.com/eclipse. When I point the
> eclipse updates to that address there is nothing. Is this something I
> can build from source? Will it be hosted there sometime soon? Is the
> plugin in usable form?
> Oh, and what do people use for an IDE btw?
> Thanks in advance,
> Scott
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