where'd you get that idea?  unless things have changed very  
dramatically since 3.1.6 (the version I'm using) you can put database  
drivers in WEB-INF/lib just fine.

I don't know a simple way to find out the location from which classes  
are loaded.  I agree -- that could be quite useful.

If you're having problem with the driver living in WEB-INF/lib, then  
it's probably because you've got something *else* in resin/lib that  
needs the driver.  the classloaders can look "up", but they can't look  

On Jun 24, 2009, at 3:05 PM, Rick Mann wrote:

> It seems to me that resin ought to be able to find the MySQL JDBC
> driver when the jar is loaded from WEB-INF/lib, rather than requiring
> it to be installed in resin's lib.
> Is there a way to see when each specific jar gets loaded, so I can
> sort of verify that resin should have access to it or not?
> Thanks.
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