Dunno, I create it with ant just like every other warfile I've ever
made... but now that you mention it, when I examine the jar it appears
to have two copies of every classfile.  Didn't notice that before!

And thus the mystery is solved.  Wow, this one drove me nuts.

At one point I was running this war on an Appengine backend, and the
eclipse config for a GAE project puts the classes in WEB-INF/classes
(but conveniently hides this in the package explorer).  My ant
buildfile compiles the classes to a 3rd directory, then includes both
those classes and the contents of WEB-INF... you get the picture.

Resin could use a better error message for this :-)

I'm happy to be back on Resin though.


On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Mattias Jiderhamn
<mj-li...@expertsystems.se> wrote:
> Jeff, is it possible that there is something strange about the WAR file
> itself, like the compression...?
> May I ask how the WAR is created?
> Have you compared checksums between where it is created and where it is
> deployed so it isn't messed up in some transfer?
> </Mattias>
> Jeff Schnitzer wrote (2011-06-07 02:49):
>> ...
>> FWIW, a simple stripped-down war file does deploy.  So presumably it's
>> something about my WARfile.  But there's nothing about my WAR that is
>> special - it deploys just fine on other containers.  If I unjar it by
>> hand, it deploys just fine on Resin.
>> Jeff
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