Github user gatorsmile commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: 
    @@ -1400,13 +1401,71 @@ object ReplaceIntersectWithSemiJoin extends 
Rule[LogicalPlan] {
     object ReplaceExceptWithAntiJoin extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
       def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
    -    case Except(left, right) =>
    +    case Except(left, right, false) =>
           assert(left.output.size == right.output.size)
           val joinCond = { case (l, r) => 
EqualNullSafe(l, r) }
           Distinct(Join(left, right, LeftAnti, joinCond.reduceLeftOption(And)))
    + * Replaces logical [[ExceptAll]] operator using a combination of Union, 
    + * and Generate operator.
    + *
    + * Input Query :
    + * {{{
    + *    SELECT c1 FROM ut1 EXCEPT ALL SELECT c1 FROM ut2
    + * }}}
    + *
    + * Rewritten Query:
    + * {{{
    + *   SELECT c1
    + *   FROM (
    + *     SELECT replicate_rows(sum_val, c1) AS (sum_val, c1)
    + *       FROM (
    + *         SELECT c1, sum_val
    + *           FROM (
    + *             SELECT c1, sum(vcol) AS sum_val
    + *               FROM (
    + *                 SELECT 1L as vcol, c1 FROM ut1
    + *                 UNION ALL
    + *                 SELECT -1L as vcol, c1 FROM ut2
    + *              ) AS union_all
    + *            GROUP BY union_all.c1
    + *          )
    + *        WHERE sum_val > 0
    + *       )
    + *   )
    + * }}}
    + */
    +object RewriteExcepAll extends Rule[LogicalPlan] {
    +  def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform {
    +    case Except(left, right, true) =>
    +      assert(left.output.size == right.output.size)
    +      val newColumnLeft = Alias(Literal(1L), "vcol")()
    +      val newColumnRight = Alias(Literal(-1L), "vcol")()
    +      val modifiedLeftPlan = Project(Seq(newColumnLeft) ++ left.output, 
    +      val modifiedRightPlan = Project(Seq(newColumnRight) ++ right.output, 
    +      val unionPlan = Union(modifiedLeftPlan, modifiedRightPlan)
    +      val aggSumCol =
    +        Alias(AggregateExpression(Sum(unionPlan.output.head.toAttribute), 
Complete, false), "sum")()
    +      val aggOutputColumns = left.output ++ Seq(aggSumCol)
    +      val aggregatePlan = Aggregate(left.output, aggOutputColumns, 
    +      val filteredAggPlan = Filter(GreaterThan(aggSumCol.toAttribute, 
Literal(0L)), aggregatePlan)
    +      val genRowPlan = Generate(
    +        ReplicateRows(Seq(aggSumCol.toAttribute) ++ left.output),
    +        Nil,
    +        false,
    +        None,
    --- End diff --
    `qualifier = None`, ....


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