Normally, when rsync isn't deleting things the problem is that there is
some kind of error (possibly scrolled off screen unnoticed) but it
sounds like you are getting no output at all which would eliminate that

The other likely cause is your $SOURCE being something that contains a *
or other wildcard.  If there is a wildcard in the source parameter then
the shell expands that wildcard giving rsync a list of sources.  The
--delete only operates within that list meaning that anything not
currently in that list is immune to deletion.

If that doesn't answer your question I would suggest adding -ii (doubled
--itemize-changes) as it will show you the files it is analyzing and
what it plans to do about them.

On Tue, 6 Feb 2024, Franke via rsync wrote:

Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 19:53:32 +0100
From: Franke via rsync <>
To: just subscribed for rsync-qa from bugzilla via rsync
Subject: BUG? rsync ends without message by delete files


Is this a bug, or did I miss a setting?

When synchronizing and deleting files, rsync (version 3.2.7  protocol
version 31 AND before) simply stops whitout comments.
No error, no message, nothing in the syslog.

Rsync works normally, but after delete some on, it ends.

I try'd --max-delete=100000000 to, but no effekt.

Command are:

rsync -vaxHSPAX --delete $SOURCE $TARGET

The dirs containing in sync containing approximately 40 million files to

And I can't delete it by hand as we need to drive some recoveries after
a server crash and relocation.

Any Ideas?


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