now it sounds like you have too many hard links for rsync to handle.

On 2/7/24 08:05, Franke via rsync wrote:
Am 06.02.24 um 23:20 schrieb Roland:
and then, it stops totally quiet.
you mean it simply exits without any message?

Yes rsync ends totally quit.

what's the return code ( echo $? )

After some more tests, the ERR-Code are:

  "22 - Error allocating core memory buffers"
(with --delete-before)

But, now there are only ~100.000 Files to delete, in some Tranches.


rsync read the Fileslist without problems, begins with deleting (and on
thi can decrease the list too) and fail than with a Momory-Error? :-o

Source- and Target-system have 64GB RAM, could be enough...

This seem for me as a Bug.

And sorry, but i cant make Issues on Github.


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