"Dean W. Anneser" wrote:

> Though somewhat off-topic, I am trying to port our simulation/control/data_acq 
>system to RTLinux.
> Key to the success of this endeavor, is the capability of having one process able to 
> into the process space of another.  In the example provided I can both mmap() and 
> /proc on our current platform.  On Linux 2.4.1 (RH7.1) however, neither worked.
> A couple of years ago, when I first tried this with RH5.2 (I don't remember the 
>Linux version)
> I remember seeing a similar (if not identical) disclaimer to what's in the current 
> manpage.  The last sentence gave me hope the capability I was seeking was to be 
> imminently.
>   mem    This is not the same as the mem (1:1) device, despite the fact that it has 
>          same device numbers.  The /dev/mem device is the physical memory before any
>          address translation is done, but the mem file here is the memory of the 
>          that accesses it.  This cannot be mmap(2)'ed currently, and will not be 
>until a
>          general mmap(2) is added to the kernel.  (This might have happened by the 
>          you read this.)
> Either Linux can in some form support this and I'm doing something wrong (and the 
> is out-of-date); or it is currently not yet possible through /proc.
> Thank you for taking the time to read this note.  Any help or pointers would be very 
> appreciated (I hope someone else has crossed this bridge before me).

I think I can see the problem.

The interface to mmab has changed since RTLinux 2.0 (I think this was used with RedHat 
5.2). It have been made a
lot easy to use. I RTLinux 3.0 you shold use rtl_mmap module insted. I have posted a 
small exampel with this mail.
The docomentation for the mmap module is put in drivers/mmap in the rtlinux kernel 

 * init module 
 * har til opgave at oprette f?aelles datalager
 * blot en test af mbuff.
 * Anders Gnistrup 
 * 4/7-01
#include <rtl.h>
#include <mbuff.h>
#include <rtl_printf.h>
#include "rt2linux.h"

void *memory;
int init_module(void) {
  rt2lMem *mem_ptr;
  memory = mbuff_alloc(MEM_NAME, sizeof(rt2lMem));
  if(memory!=NULL) {
    rtl_printf("did alloc mem\n");
    mem_ptr = memory;
    mem_ptr->devnr[0].ref = 10;
    rtl_printf("did not alloc at addres %p\n",memory);
  return 0;
void cleanup_module(void) {
  rt2lMem *mem_ptr;
  if(memory!=NULL) {
    mem_ptr = memory;
    rtl_printf("got name and ref %d\n",
 * load from commen arear 
 * just a test
 * -------------------------*/

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rtlinux/mbuff.h>
#include "rt2linux.h"

void *memory;
int main(void) {
  rt2lMem *mem_ptr;
  memory = mbuff_alloc(MEM_NAME,sizeof(rt2lMem));
  if(memory!=NULL) {
    printf("succes in alloc mem\n");
    mem_ptr = memory;
    printf("ref %d\n",mem_ptr->devnr[0].ref);
    mem_ptr->devnr[0].ref = 20;
    printf("ref %d\n",mem_ptr->devnr[0].ref);
    mem_ptr->devnr[0].newData = 1;
    mem_ptr->run = 1;
    printf("ref %d\n",mem_ptr->devnr[0].newData);
  else {
    printf("error alloc\n");

  return 0;
 * faelles datastruktur mellem rt-linux og linux.
 * data i header filen definere opbygning af data 
 * det faelles lager modul, samt navnet pa modulet

#define MEM_NAME "rt2lMem"
#define MOTOR_RIGHT "motor_right"
#define MOTOR_LEFT "motor_left"
#define DIST_CENCOR "dist cencor"
#define LINE_CENCOR "linecencor"

typedef struct device_ {
  int newData;          /* new data is ready  */
  int ref;              /* ref to de unit     */
  int error;            /* message to userspace if error */
  char name[20];        /* name of the device */
} device;

#define  NUMOFDEVICE 4
typedef struct rt2lMem_ {
  device devnr[4];            /* 4 devices */
  int run;                    /* regulate devices */
} rt2lMem;


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