On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 9:50:07 PM UTC-7, John H Palmieri wrote:
> There is a ticket (https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25383) about removing 
> some Sage functions from the global namespace, which I think is a good 
> idea. But Sage also imports some Python modules: 
> - os
> - sys
> - operator
> - math
> - warnings
> o u
> Should we keep all of these? Remove all? Keep some?
While I understand the drive to clean up the global namespace and in 
principle agree with the aesthetics of doing so, I've never been 
disappointed by something being available in the global namespace and on 
occasion am slightly annoyed by having to import something in python prior 
to use that I for some reason thought would there be by default (e.g., many 
of the functions in "math"). I've sometimes have had mildly surprising 
results by encountering something I didn't expect (R being the R interface 
is the main one there), but that was always quickly diagnosed. So, are we 
actually solving a practical problem by cleaning up the global namespace? 
If it measurably improves start-up time then we do have a win, but I 
suspect that the time-consuming start-up imports are necessary anyway (or 
are already lazy).

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