+1 to Nils remarks. 

Please also consider backward compatibility.   If you remove a bunch of 
things, I'm probably just going to have to add them back on cocalc to avoid 
all the headaches of people's code breaking. There might be a ton of random 
code out there that will break if you remove a bunch of imports.   

It would be nice to have a different entry point to Sage that has 
*dramatically* less imported by default.  By I don't think it should be the 
default, just because of backward compatibility.


On Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 12:35:38 AM UTC-7 Nils Bruin wrote:

> On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 9:50:07 PM UTC-7, John H Palmieri wrote:
>> There is a ticket (https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/25383) about 
>> removing some Sage functions from the global namespace, which I think is a 
>> good idea. But Sage also imports some Python modules: 
>> - os
>> - sys
>> - operator
>> - math
>> - warnings
> o u
> Should we keep all of these? Remove all? Keep some?
> While I understand the drive to clean up the global namespace and in 
> principle agree with the aesthetics of doing so, I've never been 
> disappointed by something being available in the global namespace and on 
> occasion am slightly annoyed by having to import something in python prior 
> to use that I for some reason thought would there be by default (e.g., many 
> of the functions in "math"). I've sometimes have had mildly surprising 
> results by encountering something I didn't expect (R being the R interface 
> is the main one there), but that was always quickly diagnosed. So, are we 
> actually solving a practical problem by cleaning up the global namespace? 
> If it measurably improves start-up time then we do have a win, but I 
> suspect that the time-consuming start-up imports are necessary anyway (or 
> are already lazy).

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